The Gods Smiled Upon Motorcyclist Flipping Over Guardrail; He Lives; Holy Shit What

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I saw this video and went to myself, “That dude is dead, for sure.” And then he wasn’t! I was so happy to be wrong.

David Park was riding with a friend on Angeles Crest Highway when the friend suddenly flipped over the guardrail and tumbled out of sight, reports NBC Los Angeles. “At that split moment when I saw him go over the trees and down the cliff, I thought he was dead because I didn’t know what was down there,” Park said.

Park’s head-mounted GoPro footage shows the crash and him hurrying down the mountain to find his friend who survived the ordeal! He was airlifted from the scene and treated for a fractured shoulder.


NBC notes that the emergency responders were surprised that his injuries were not more serious and that Park is out of the hospital and “in good spirits.”

Angeles Crest Highway, outside of Los Angeles, is a haven for drivers and riders alike, but it’s by no means an easy road to tame. There are countless decreasing radius turns and sheer dropoffs.