Here Are The Cars You Want To Die In 2024

Some vehicles have overstayed their welcome, and it's time for them to go.

Every year, cars are killed off for one reason or another. However, they aren't always the cars we want to see dead. Unfortunately, more times than not, the cars that die are the ones we actually like. That's too bad, because a lot of cars deserve to die. That's what led us to ask the question last week: What car would you like to see fall off the face of the Earth?

We wanted to know what cars you hope will die by the end of 2024. Sometimes cars just overstay their welcome and deserve a better replacement. That's the way of things, the way of innovation. This was your chance to get off your chest cars you just wish weren't around anymore. I hope it was cathartic for those of you who participated.

We've got a lot of varied answers here, from brand new stuff like the Tesla Cybertruck, to old-ass vehicles to cars you think are ugly and entire segments of vehicles. I love this amount of hatred. It reminds me of why I got into the business of being a hater.

Anyway, why don't we all take a look at some of the cars your fellow Jalops hope are dead by the next time we're all saying "Happy New Year" again?

Toyota 4Runner

My vote would be for the Toyota 4Runner. I love them. One of my family members owns one. But it's time for the current generation to ride off into the great beyond (still selling for ridiculous amounts in the used car market post-mortem, naturally) and rise from the ashes like a phoenix, infusing the new Tacoma platform in its bones.


Submitted by: paradsecar

GMC Hummer EV

The Hummer EV needs to die today. The Hummer EV because, it's a complete and utter waste of 9K+ lbs. of natural resources. And The Cybertruck because it makes a Pontiac Aztek look good.

The Hummer EV is a weird vehicle because I both love it and hate it. On one hand, it's catastrophically wasteful, but on the other, it's fast as shit. Tough call.

Submitted by: skinny

Coupe SUVs In General

Let's take all the German SUV "sports coupes", fill a ravine with them, and produce no more. Overpriced clown cars with cryptic marketing, causing eyeball damage across the world.

...I don't have coupe SUVs. In an era where most cars look the same, at least these are taking some sort of design risk. I respect that.

Submitted by: Maha


Not a car, but a bike. Bike brand. Harley-Davidson. Let 2024 be the year Harley finally brubbrubbrubs off to the great junkyard in the sky. They can just pull back and focus on their real growth area, branded merchandise.

Oh, I get it. You hate America.

Submitted by: skeffles

Mitsubishi Outlander Sport

How about the Mitsubishi Outlander Sport? It hasn't been redesigned in well over a decade and there is nothing "sport" about it – just a very cheap, unrefined vehicle

TIL the Outlander Sport is still around. In all fairness, I just drove the full-size Outlander PHEV, and it was a pretty decent crossover. Kudos to Mister Bishi for that.

Submitted by: vuwildcat07

Tesla Cybertruck

I know production on the Cybertruck just started a few months ago, but IMO it's not too soon to wish this blight upon the landscape to die a quick death.

Seriously, this thing is uglier than the Aztek.

The Cybertruck has barely been born at this point. It probably won't take much to kill it, to be honest. The fact Tesla can barely produce them is going to help as well.

Submitted by: Earthbound Misft I

Let The Hate Run Through You

Actually, I don't wise any car model would die in 2024. I want to see all the cars survive, from the Mirage to the LaFerrari.

Not if the question was "which TRUCK or SUV do you wish would die?"

That's gonna end up being a REALLY long list.

* Anything that says off-road capable and is 2wd.

* Anything that is named by a cat sleeping on a keyboard.

*Any Slant back SUV.

* Any truck with a grill over 5'5" tall.

*Any diesel truck sold without a 5th wheel hitch in the bed.

* Any truck with spiked wheel lugs that make it look like iti is out of Ben Hur.

* The Chevy Silverado, especially my neighbor's that is dropping the property values by being visible from the road.

I can sense how angry you are as you write this. Hell yeah, man. Let that hate roll!

Submitted by: hoser68

BMW 4-Series (The Grille, Specifically)

I don't really want to kill the 4-series as much as I want to end the naked mole rat front end. The 4 is probably the most egregious in the grill to car ratio and it just needs to stop.

I don't actually hate the 4-Series grille. I know, I know. I'm a bit odd.

Submitted by: klone121

Jealousy Is Good

The Mazda6 Wagon that is offered on other countries. But not because i hate it, but because I love it. I am tired of the forbidden fruit. Tired of seeing pictures of it. Just kill it so I can stop forlornly wishing I could legally obtain one.

This is so me-coded. Hell yeah, dude. If we've got to be miserable, then so does everybody else.

Submitted by: iblameRichardScarry

Full-Size SUVs

These stupid things. I could provide some decent reasons as to why, but whenever I see them, I get irrationally angry.

I'll Throw in the Wagoneer as well, specifically for the people that choose this Hideous! Black and chrome combo ugh

I was not a fan of full-size SUVs until I drove a Suburban loaded with people and realized how fantastic it is. Sure, it gets terrible mileage and is the size of a house, but I do not care.

Submitted by: darthspartan117

A Hater Through And Through

All of them. Cars suck.

So true, bestie.

Submitted by: Bruce Steever

Buddy, They’re Already Dead

Dodge Charger and Challenger. They're freaking everywhere and there are 100 different versions, all purchased by the same assholes – the ones that constantly rev through non-existent exhausts or race between stop lights just so more people will pay attention to them like the bikers from South Park. I don't see this anywhere nearly as often from Mustang, Corvette, or Camaro people, despite their reputations.

I welcome the death of the Charger and Challenger, and find it not the least bit surprising that the EV Charger concept somehow still feels like it has to annoy everyone around it.

Have I got good news for you!

Submitted by: OnceInAMillenia

Volkswagen Atlas Cross Sport

Wth is the point of these "Slick" SUVs anyway ?

No one has thought about the Atlast Cross Sport in some time now. Congrats for keeping it alive!

Submitted by: Da Car Guru – 15,000 RPM daily driver

Voting Blue

It's 2024. I want a LOT of cars to die.

Specifically the ones carrying the voters that do not agree with me to the polling stations.

And yes, before you ask, I am thinking of a sea of broken down brodozers and Iroc-Zs.

This will work really well considering there's no way those folks have access to or will use public transportation.

Submitted by: hoser68

Buick Encore

It just seems like it's trying too hard. It's an overgrown economy car with weird proportions.

Uh AKTUALLY the Encore is dead and the Encore GX is there in its place. No, I do not know the difference. Do not even think to ask me.

Submitted by: Midlife Miata Driver

