Tesla CEO Elon Musk took a fancy private jet to Washington, D.C. and then begged for money. Hmm... seems to us like someone already got yelled at for doing this. Jeez, he's already acting like a soon-to-be-bankrupt automaker.
According to peHUB, the plane has been used at least a dozen times last year. The cost? At least $175,000 since the second half of the year, which happens to be right before they received $475 million in loans, so it's not great timing.
Even if he can't reasonably drive one his cars there like the not-so-Big Three did without spending weeks of charging to cross the country, we think there may be at least one flight from San Francisco to Wasington, D.C. he can take.
As a weird aside, the plane was also used as Tobacco One in the film Thank You For Smoking. Elon Musk, rolling like a tobacco exec... for the environment! [peHUB]