Taking stock of what's in store for Forza Horizon 5, besides those meticulously crafted cacti
Ferrari is a notoriously uncompromising company. I’m not talking about its cars, mind you; I’m more referring to the…
Play enough racing games, and you begin to familiarize yourself with the same tracks. Monterey’s Laguna Seca is a…
I’m a big fan of Frank Stephenson’s YouTube channel. I love how the designer behind some of the most recognizable…
“Many racing games have strived for this goal. Now technology has finally caught up with ambition, and racing games…
There’s something so strangely and artificially satisfying about that perfect cube of belongings there. Imagine…
If you’re any good at Gran Turismo, you might be able to take part in an Olympics-sanctioned event later this year…
Remember Test Drive Unlimited? One of the early examples of always online, open-world racing on consoles, TDU and…
The last entry in F-Zero, Nintendo’s antigravity racing series, came out on the Game Boy Advance 17 years ago. The…
Forza Horizon 4 has been actively supplied with a drip feed of regular content since its 2018 release, and lots of…
Of all the dormant racing game franchises — and there are many — Wipeout’s absence feels the most criminal.…
It’s come to my attention that some people on the internet aren’t aware of the greatest character ever to grace a…
The Assoluto Bisonte seen above weighed about 2,750 pounds in its 1999 race trim and derived its power from a…
Motorsport Games — a relatively young publisher of racing games that holds the NASCAR Heat franchise — announced…
The upcoming Criterion Games-developed entry in the Need For Speed franchise has been pushed to late 2022 or early…
There’s a new Hot Wheels game on the way from Milestone, the studio responsible for the MotoGP official games, Ride…
I really like Dirt 5. Codemasters made a good call in spinning off Dirt Rally as the sim-focused off-road racing…
Up until middle school, all the kids in my hometown had their birthday parties at the same roller rink. That roller…
The path to competing behind the wheel of a race car has always been an evolving one, and now we’re starting to see…
We haven’t learned much new at all about Gran Turismo 7 in the seven months since it was unveiled, which feels a bit…