The vile, troublesome, wicked, loathsome Chevrolet Silverado has been having a hard time, such that it only just…
The auto industry is heating back up, Tesla is reportedly in talks about incentives for a Cybertruck plant in Austin,…
First it built an EV and then took them back from users and crushed them. Then it made an EV that turned out to be a…
The cost of coronavirus can be measured in how much money people are asking for to survive financially. In the case…
With pickup truck sales staying strong, factories slowly reopening, and car sales in China increasing for once,…
U.S. automakers have a new target for when they hope to restart vehicle production, BMW is expecting financial woes,…
A look at the factors in play as The Big Three burn cash during the coronavirus shutdown, Nissan’s performance in…
The UAW doesn’t think an early May plant restart is a good idea, tornado damage to a key supplier’s facility could…
The car world is still struggling to get back to some kind of normal, but it looks like the old normal will never…
May the 4th be with the American auto industry, Nissan is hitting the brakes on restarting car production, Volvo is…
Volkswagen’s profits are tumbling, Bentley extends its production shutdown, and Ford hopes to possibly restart…
The playbook for helping out in the time of Coronavirus is clear, and yet every day we find new screw ups. All that…
Ford (and everybody else) is losing a lot of money, Big Oil’s production cut is basically meaningless, and it’s…
Fuel is getting crazy cheap, OPEC appears to be unable to stop the slide, and global factories are slowing due to a…
Tesla is putting its workers on hold and cutting salaries, car production is warily re-starting, airlines are…
We may have a clearer picture of how coronavirus-related shutdowns are going to hit the auto industry. That and more…
Could Cash for Clunkers return? Automakers crank up medical equipment production, auto sales are down and more…
As car sales tank, the companies that make the parts that make up a car are realizing that, well, they’re probably…
It’s not as easy as flipping a switch, Penske stretched thin, and Jeff Bezos’ rocket company, of course, gets its…