Used cars have maybe never been hotter, Tesla reduces the price of the Model Y, and Fisker goes public. All that and…
Mexican suppliers are struggling to meet U.S. automaker output, Tesla is wiping the floor in the local Chinese EV…
Dealerships got a whole lot of money from the federal government, Daimler will cut even more costs, and Audi thinks…
Chinese automakers have struggled to sell in the U.S. for decades and it’s only getting harder, VW is almost out of…
Full-size pickups are now outselling everything, Nissan’s CEO going toe-to-toe with investors, concerns about…
The vile, troublesome, wicked, loathsome Chevrolet Silverado has been having a hard time, such that it only just…
American car companies love to talk about how seriously they’re taking coronavirus precautions. We’ll see that put…
Tesla has been skyrocketing in value but hasn’t reached the acme, Byton is in trouble, and the Geneva Motor Show…
American Airlines flights booked to capacity in two days won’t be the only thing taking off, Ford has to try to…
People are flying less so cobalt is getting cheaper, California is imposing a strict zero-emissions mandate on…
The auto industry thinks things ... might be getting better soon, the Fiat Chrysler-Peugeot merger is moving along,…
I would have thought that the federal government would be casting another eye on the misleading terminology of…
Traffic may rise higher than pre-virus levels for awhile during recovery, GM has a diversity board now, and congress…
The Big Three reopened their assembly lines last month, and stories have been rolling in on new cases and plant…
A lot of 2020 Chevy Corvettes are going to be late, the Carlos Ghosn kidnappers are talking too much, coronavirus is…
The auto industry is heating back up, Tesla is reportedly in talks about incentives for a Cybertruck plant in Austin,…
People really want used cars right now, Jaguar’s parent company is in bad shape, and there’s more evidence the fix…
The lamest lawsuit in the car world just sided with the boring guys, GM is refusing to shut down a plant seeing case…
Ford is quickly ramping up production, Elon Musk really wants Semi production to start already, and Ford and…