After three days of wandering, shooting, chatting and blogging, we accepted a monorail ticket from the fine folks at …
Last season, Slammin' Sam Hubinette drove a Viper SRT-10 after his ride for the prior season, a Competition Coupe,…
"Sedeuced," the '32 Ford with the rather bad name, won America's Most Beautiful Roadster at this year's Grand…
We'll give LaVella the last word on this one: "What? It's a '65 Chevy. It's a heavy car. It needs a little something…
The trend these days in the crate motor world is to punch famed big-block displacement numbers out of small block…
We know we already groused and grumbled about a cake-taking CXT a couple of days ago. But we must admit that we were…
So there's this girl we've kinda got a thing for and she's involved in the auto industry. She also happens to be…
As seen through the windshield of Mike Bumbeck's rented Dodge compact last night.
The Nish Streamliner is designed to be the world's fastest Chevy small block-powered vehicle. Designed to run 425…
While '23 and '27 Model Ts tend to be the most numerous of Tin Lizzie-based hot rods, due to the abundance of…
We wandered outside yesterday for a smoke and heard something that sounded suspiciously like the steel guitar solo…
We've got our own reasons for thinking SEMA has grown lame in its old age. The ones who've logged years of hard time…
SEMA week is an absolute blur of activity. Media Center in the morning for coffee. Walk the floor. Shoot cars. Find…
As if we needed further proof that the Chevy HHR is following way too closely in the PT Cruiser's footsteps, the…
We thought we'd toss up a pic of the first FJ Cruiser we'd seen in person. We actually like it better in the matte…
One of the joys of SEMA are the i-can't-believe-they-actually-did-that guffaws that involuntarily rumble up from…
Terry Cook of Deco Rides fame had this '60 Cadillac Eldorado Brougham marked for sale at $77k, parked out in front…
Star commenter MurileeMarlin cracked us up last night with this description of the numbers-matching Mopar obsessive:…
Who else but a multinational corporation would hack up a perfectly good Ford GT and display it like some sort of…
When we were in high school, summer school consisted of an excruciating crash course through the vagaries of…