The team at legend-disproving show Mythbusters busted more than myths yesterday while filming a scene at a Northern…
The crew at Mythbusters finally tested out the Porsche 928 is faster backwards myth. Turns out the designers knew…
Jalopnik commenter Scoutch has a day job many of us might try for free: Building stuff in the labs of Mythbusters.…
The Mythbusters crew and Popular Mechanics will test later this month the old claim that the Porsche 928 could go…
Okay, Mythbusters has devolved into little more than explosion and crash porn rather than actual myth-busting. Our…
This episode once again proves Adam and Jamie have the greatest job in the history of the world. They revisted a…
Popular Mechanics enlisted the help of Mythbuster Jaime Hyneman to answer that all-consuming transportation…