I am a man of many vices, and near the top of that list is torque. It’s why I love V-twins and electric motors, and…
The EPA says Harley-Davidson’s been selling upgrade parts at dealerships that push the motorcycles’ emissions over…
Iconic American motorcycle manufacturer Harley-Davidson has been touting the “LiveWire” electric bike concept around…
For the first time in 44 years, Harley-Davison has an all-new racing machine for the sideways dirt-slinging…
To say that my daily Internet browsing gets a little weird is an understatement. Some days, that means I end up 473…
I know, I never thought I would write those words either. But, luckily for us, Harley-Davidson doesn’t care what…
Harley-Davidson’s S models are the Motor Company’s equivalent of a “sport version.” These versions of the bikes get…
As it turns out, riding a motorcycle is actually easier than walking these days. Well, at least that’s the case when…
The 2017 Victory Octane is the future of the American cruiser segment, at least if Polaris has anything to say about…
Harley-Davidson added two new models to their lineup this week. Normally this is only cause for my phone and email…
All things with motors have their purpose, and can be fun when used for that purpose. Yet, somehow, I’ve always…
As your loyal servant and scribe, I spent the better part of a month riding the 2015 Harley-Davidson Dyna Low Rider…
It was already an uncomfortable feeling, standing next to a custom motorcycle in the middle of a restaurant I didn’t…
Ever wonder why you still see police officers on big Harley-Davidson bikes? If you consider this test data from the…
You know what I do when I need to take a quick break from writing about motorcycles? I sit back and scroll through…
Every cause has an effect. Every article has a response. Wisconsin’s S&S Cycle, makers of some of America’s best…
Harley-Davidson has always had a special relationship with the military, and they’re taking that one step farther by…
You know what I do when I need to take a quick break from writing about motorcycles? I sit back and scroll through…
I spent a lot of time riding Harley-Davidson bikes this year, most of that through the middle west of America. In…
Remember tag? That game you played in elementary school when one person was “it” and had to tag someone else to make…