With an engineering degree under his belt, Kellett is dedicated to connecting students with an interest in STEM.
Sometime near Christmas, a group of engineering students at Texas’ Southern Methodist University said they realized…
You're an engineering student looking to break into the private spaceflight industry at SpaceX. But the boss (Elon…
Take one FSAE car, add some studded Hoosiers, and find a frozen lake. That's how University of Saskatchwan does its…
We've all heard of Formula SAE, the racecar training ground for tomorrow's great automotive engineers. Did you know…
The Rochester Institute of Technology's Formula SAE team wanted to show the new freshman what their car could do.…
Meet Delft University of Technology's student-built electric race car. Watch it lap the Formula Student UK…
Oregon State has won their second national championship in a row in the racing/engineering series Formula SAE.…
Oregon State University is producing a documentary about the collegiate racing/engineering series Formula SAE and,…
Student racing teams of the Formula SAE know the tilt table as a mildly tedious element of pre-contest…
The Global Formula Racing team, a combination of engineering students from Oregon State University and Duale…
A Canadian university suspended its student racecar-building team after one of the engineers in training had the…
Looking at the video you learn not only a lot about the process of fabricating a chassis, you also get a sense of…
Reader Alex tipped us off to this fully awesome carbon-fiber monocoque Formula SAE car that a friend of his worked…