The chilling transcripts from Air France 447 reveal the central conflict dooming the 228 people aboard the plane was…
American drivers, like cigarettes, are immoral — waiting to kill us like cancer, and should be replaced by cars that…
This photo of what looks like a minor case of Prius-on-Prius vehicular violence may actually be a piece of…
A state bill with new rules for self-driving cars just passed, allowing Google's fleet of hybrid vehicles to hit the…
Researchers successfully tested a Volvo "slaved" to a truck in a test of technology designed to let drivers focus on…
From new technology to social change, the events of the past 12 months will impact cars and transportation for years…
Although California bans hand-held cell phone use by drivers, and testers of Google self-driving vehicles are legally…
Google's project to design driverless vehicles raised several questions about the future of driving. But it also…
Yesterday we told you Google's secretly developing a driverless car and even logged over 140,000 miles on U.S.…
Google today revealed a secret project to develop driverless cars, saying its test vehicles had driven 140,000 miles…
Later, Kip and Sally would use a mechanically correct doll of the driverless car to show policemen exactly where it…
"Much of the technology already exists for vehicles to take the wheel: radar-based cruise control, motion sensors,…