Looking at this automotive expression of crypto-taxidermy, we're reminded of a nightmare we once had after eating in…
Holy schnitzel! There's a 928 pickup for sale, and it's only a few cities and a desperate freeway slog away from us!…
Apparently, the independent, corporate themed donk may be somewhat of a trend. This one apparently dispenses special…
Murilee Martin, whose wit we haven't seen enough of in the comments lately, kicked over a spec sheet for this '72…
Oh crap...Bumbeck just shot this one over, and might we say that it's a doozy? Somebody yanked the motor out of a…
Nothing must've seemed right to UK celebrity Ingrid Tarrant when she took on singer Gary Numan in a monster truck…
One of the Jalops just happened to be visiting Ai Design at its home in Tuckahoe, NY on a day this matte-finish…
You'd have to check your local DOT, but apparently in Florida (and Indiana) you can drive this titled 1999 Dallara —…
We somewhat famously have angst regarding 'Bama. All chick-related crap aside, it is simply not our sort of place.…
If a Type-2 with a non-bus body simply isn't enough VDubamino for you, might we suggest this '85 Volkswagen…
A few years ago at SEMA, we guess it was three now, we stumbled across a prototype of kit-car manufacturer Factory…
The Rhino, a Honda-four-powered off-road vehicle has been outfitted for emergency use, in what the ute's…
Earlier this year, Foose Design and Unique Performance announced a teamup to build a limited-edition 1970 Dodge…
Ok, so those are zeros, not letters "O" in the X-SRV P001's name, but this custom Hummer H2 is no less stinky by our…
Now that 1,000 hp is the new 500 hp, a 900 hp Mustang Fastback may not carry overwhelming numerical firepower. But…
Lots of madness tucked into SEMA's nooks and crannies. To wit: the 789. Built on the bones of a C6 Corvette, the 789…
A few weeks ago we decided to always carry a camera with us, as we see the kookiest rides bumping along the highways…
So what if this chromed Shelby Cobra replica was mere eye candy in a garage-floor supplier's SEMA booth. Someone had…
We've posted on the Kamikaze before, but caught it up close in all its questionable, Hayabusa-powered glory. The…
This absolutely shitkicks the steaming bejeezus out of any car at SEMA. Wert and Spinelli, consume your batter-fried…