Technically, the Peugeot Mi16 beat the Mercedes-Benz 6.9 in last Friday's Choose Your Eternity poll, but we're…
As everyone predicted, the Triumph GT6 obliterated the Porsche 914 in yesterday's Choose Your Eternity poll. British…
It looks like Italy has been knocked off the PCH Superpower throne by the UK, according to the results of yesterday's…
While the 8-door '57 Chrysler limo almost beat out the stretched Ferrari 400i limo in our last Choose Your Eternity…
Can an American car- even a 60-year-old American car made by a long-defunct manufacturer- compete with an entry PCH…
Yesterday, we had what may be our closest Project Car Hell vote yet, with the '91 Jaguar XJ-S holding a 199 to 194…
The 429 Mustang II put up a good fight in yesterday's Choose Your Eternity poll, but only a French or Italian car…
The completely indecipherable photograph and PCH Superpower heritage of the '48 Morris Minor truck were the winning…
The Itchy Fiberglass Hell that is the '57 Devin managed to beat out the Dodgy Deal Hell of the Hemi Bantam in yester…
We learned on Friday that Dante Alighieri would prefer to drive a '58 Fiat 600 Multipla in Hell, and that's an…
The 6.9 Mercedes-Benz used its JFG status as a knotted club to pound the bratwurst out of the BMW L6 in yesterday's…
On Monday, we headed over to Frozen Finnish Car Hell and watched the '61 Ford Taunus wagon beat the '72 Opel Kadett…
In a not very shocking development, the Lincoln Mark VIIchero outclassed and out-helled the drag-racing '73 El…
As most of you know by now, the Shorty Chopped Corvair was judged to be cooler/more hellish than the T-Bird-esque…
In a rare upset, a French car actually lost a Choose Your Eternity challenge! Not only that, front-wheel-drive…
The '38 Graham-Paige did a number on the '38 Mercedes-Benz in yesterday's Choose Your Eternity poll, similar to…
Not surprisingly, the 219 beat the 450SL in our-first all-Mercedes-Benz Choose Your Eternity Poll. It's hard for a…
The '88 Bentley Mulsanne had its entourage of coked-up thugs stuff the MGC into The Crusher in Friday's Choose Your…
Who would have thought a Volvo could ever out-PCH an early Mazda? That's what happened in our most recent Choose…
Stop the presses! Italy has just won the First Ever Jalopnik Project Car Hell Superpower Showdown, with the…