Early reports suggest the Cash For Clunkers program is creating some new cars sales, but it's also creating…
Jalopnik brings you this exclusive first full list of the disqualified cash for clunkers vehicles. Below, the cars…
Earlier this month we brought you a list of five ways to get screwed the Cash For Clunkers bill. A lot has happened…
With the Cash For Clunkers trade-in program in full swing, we think it's time to take the pulse of the state of our…
Consumers hoping to trade in their old "clunkers" for new vehicles through the Cash for Clunkers (or CARS) program…
According to Google Trends, variations of the term "Cash For Clunkers" have been among the hottest searches this…
The Cash for Clunkers bill, a.k.a. the CARS program, is now active. If you're interested in trading up they've…
Mexico announces its own Cash for Clunkers program. Sí, se puede! [Autoblog]
The Cash For Clunkers bill's now law and, though we've show you how it works, there's still a serious risk you'll…
It's official, the Cash For Clunkers bill is now the law-of-the-land. For more information on how this bill works…
In a 91-5 vote, the U.S. Senate passed a scaled-back $1 billion "Cash For Clunkers" bill. Democrats beat back a…
The U.S. House narrowly passed the scaled-back version of the "Cash For Clunkers" bill giving consumers cash…
The Cash For Clunkers bill passed the Senate as part of a larger spending measure. The details, explained in our Cash…
Curious exactly how the Cash For Clunkers bill works? This handy chart and fact sheet provide all you need to know…
The Community Assistance to Recycle and Save Act (CARS Act), more commonly known as the Cash for Clunkers bill,…
The U.S. House could vote on the "Cash For Clunkers" bill today. [WILX]
The problem with "Cash For Clunkers" legislation is they have holes big enough to drive a Nissan GT-R through them.…
We're told the White House and Democrat Congressional leaders have reached an agreement on the so-called "Cash For…
Hyundai is readying itself for a big rush of business when UK scrappage allowances, their version of cash for…
An extreme version of the "Cash For Clunkers" plan is dead in the Senate after industry objections and concerns…