Is CAR columnist Gavin Green greatly exaggerating rumors of Saab's demise? Maybe. Maybe not. Regardless, he's…
GM today confirmed Buick GMC General Manager Michael D. Richards has quit after just nine days on the job. Although…
The just-released-moments-ago JD Power Customer Satisfaction Index indicates Jaguar, Cadillac, Lexus lead the 2009…
Bloomberg's reporting this morning new GM interim CEO Ed Whitacre's making big changes fast, drawing up a new…
Now that Koenigsegg has dropped out, Saab's going from one boutique supercar maker to another, with the AP reporting…
Yesterday was going as planned with pre-LA Auto Show news trickling out until BAM! GM announces President and CEO Fri…
Sarah Henderson, daughter of Fritz Henderson, the just-resigned-minutes-ago GM CEO, posted some choice words about…
Fritz Henderson, the CEO of General Motors, is set to resign. Chairman Ed Whitacre will serve as interim CEO. Update:…
The biggest winner this November appears to be Hyundai, with sales up 46% month-to-month with 2008. The losers?…
Audrey McKnight claims in her lawsuit she was forced to buy a new Hyundai after hours of pressure from salesmen at…
Japan is a tough market for foreign car companies. Hyundai has sold just 15,095 cars there since it started trying…
GM's plan to sell Saab to Koenigsegg is suddenly off, with many sources indicating Koenigsegg walked away from the…
President Obama asked South Korea yesterday to renegotiate auto trade clauses in the South Korea-U.S. Free Trade…
A study by the obviously pro-government National Taxpayers Union claims each new GM vehicle costs the average…
Earlier this week former Tesla spokesman Daryl Siry, writing for Wired, reported small electric automaker Aptera's…
A German company is battling with a Japanese one to become the world's biggest automaker. Italians own Chrysler.…
Hummer is being sold to China's Sichuan Tengzhong Heavy Industrial Machinery with production of current generation…
The "New" GM released a quarterly "preliminary managerial result" this morning and despite being not in any way…
The "New" GM will try to play the Lee Iacocca PR card by repaying $6.7 billion — of a total of $50 billion in…
The Daily Show took on Cash For Clunkers last night for hurting the "$14 billion" demolition derby industry. Their…