Our self-driving car future may be farther away than the hype suggests. Besides Tesla, self-driving car developers…
Many Tesla Model 3 reservation holders are looking for guidance on when they can expect the car to be delivered, as…
Parking is a tedious task, and frankly most humans just aren’t very good at it. Thankfully, Daimler and Bosch are…
Toyota has tossed around a lot of money in the name of hydrogen, most recently with a project to build a fuel…
Lyft has been trying to gain momentum on the incessant slip-ups of its main competitor Uber, and this week it took…
Andrew Kouri was a member of Tesla’s Autopilot team when the owner of a Model S sedan, Joshua Brown, died in a…
For months, startup Lucid Motors has been up front that it’s looking to raise extra money to move forward with plans…
Tesla’s semi-autonomous Autopilot feature caught flak on Sunday, as it appeared a driver had blamed the system for…
A story from Bloomberg this morning details one of the myriad issues that need to be addressed before driverless…
In order for driverless cars to work, they’ll need to be able to do tackle a bevy of ordinary tasks that motorists…
Lucid Motors doesn’t have the money yet to build a factory and make the Air, an all-electric luxury sedan among many…
Ambitious but troubled startup automaker Faraday Future said today that it’s officially halting efforts to build a…
A flurry of legal filings went public on Friday in the battle between Uber and Waymo, Google’s self-driving car…
A Chinese court this week froze $182 million in assets of Jia Yueting, the billionaire founder of tech giant LeEco…
France—particularly, Paris, with its dreadful air quality—has staked a battle against cars over the past several…
The idea of a fully-autonomous vehicle entails removing the driver from the equation entirely. In the trucking…
Working conditions at Tesla’s California factory have garnered significant attention in recent months, with some…
Remember the Chinese traffic-straddling bus? The bonkers is-it-a-bus-or-a-train invention that was aimed at…
Tesla founder Elon Musk confirmed late into the night Sunday that production on the automaker’s less-expensive Model…