Red light cameras. Speed cameras. And now...wait for it...yes, sound cameras. Here, children, is the Military…
Commenter buzaw0nk noted last month that the nation's first speed cameras had gone up on Arizona's Loop 101 highway…
Man, you know, we're really thinking that Orwell was right, especially about his native land. Eggheads in the land…
Roadside radar is pass . Apparently, the hip new thing is Astucia's speed detection stud. Designed to be hidden in…
In the 1967 movie "Cool Hand Luke," when a cop asks Paul Newman why he's drunkenly sawing the heads off of parking…
Dear old Blighty, why you gotta keep your TV-eye on me? Oh wait, I don't live there. And that's probably for the… about your invasive big-brotherness. While the Swedes make great rock 'n' roll, we sometimes wonder about…
Thankfully, where we live, we're only blessed with overzealous, revenue-generatin' cops with radar guns instead a…
As we once reported, Progressive is paying some of its policyholders to be the Guinea pigs in a research study into…
What a difference not having a Constitution makes. Britain's senior traffic policeman (a far more powerful position…
Hoo boy. Big day for technology aiding the insurance industry, that's for sure. London police, aided by…
Thiiiiiis is howwwwww liiiiiiiife shoullllld beeeeeee...[under the thumb of Big Brother]. Progressive, the nation's…
For those who don't necessarily take God with them as their co-pilot, automotive engineers have installed data…
We hate text messaging. We hate typing with our thumbs. We hate the noise our phone made when we used to get them.…
We could make some obvious comment about Orwell being English; oh, wait, we suppose we just did, didn't we? Okay,…