The Alfa Romeo Bertone BAT 11 may have evaded our lenses when it made an off-site debut at the Geneva Auto Show last…
My DOTS-detectin' antennae are getting more sensitive every day; I caught the briefest glimpse of something red and…
There's a Volvo 262C parked in a driveway scant blocks from my house; it would be a super-cool DOTS car, but it's…
Stop the presses! Italy has just won the First Ever Jalopnik Project Car Hell Superpower Showdown, with the…
Why? Partially because I'm a rank contrarian and love the underdog. I will go at you all day as to why Jawbreaker…
The '65 Gordon-Keeble's formula seemed sound: tube-frame chassis, Bertone-styled fiberglass body, and a…
In today's Automotive News, a seemingly tossed off line turned a simple piece on Bertone Carrozzeria's travails into…
< dipshit 1980s prog-rock reference > Whether or not your uncle has country place that no one knows about, or if a…
The autophiles over at the UK's CAR tracked down Jean Michel Santacrue and Adam Burdette, TVR's new overlords, as…
Apparently, teenage Russian Billionaire has tired of running a sports car company again. After buying TVR back out…
Just as Bertone and company said it would a few weeks back, the Italian design and tech house is bringing a roadster…
Holy wow. Extra wow. Wow with T ng t Sriacha sauce! Wow with an added dose of Old Man Chinetti. In 1974, this 308…
Well, there you go. Earlier this week, TVR set off a speculation bomb by announcing its cars would no longer be…
Forbes, ever on the lookout for extreme specimens to feature as its "Car of the Week," picked the Bertone Suagna, a…
The boys from Bertone are working up a new coupe-cabriolet concept vehicle, the second of several concepts expected…
We love the Hecklerspray guys, and apparently, that groovy kind of love is reciprocal. We linked to their bit on the …
Automotive News Europe is reporting Italian design and engineering firm Bertone will build a high-performance Mini…