Spy Photos: Audi RS6

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Screw the grainy YouTube video (both of them) and screw the fan-pics — this time the folks at the Road that is ever-Winding have got the folks from KGP on the case. They've got some crystal-clear shots of the new Audi RS6 which we're expecting to hit the bright lights of the Frankfurt Auto Show stage in September. While these clear-as-daylight shots visually tease you Audi fan-boys, we'll continue to tease with the rumored specs — a supercharged 5.2-liter V10 engine, between 550-600 HP, big single-piped exhaust and more Bruce than you can shake a stick at. It's just too bad they'll reportedly have to sacrifice the RS4 so that the RS6 may live. OK, we're over it.

Spotted: Audi's V-10 RS6 Undisguised! [Winding Road]

RS4 Sedan Out Of Production?; Spy Photos: Audi RS6, Plus Interior; Spy Photos: 2008 Audi RS6 Caught On Video On Nurburgring; Let's Go to the Videotape: Audi RS6 On the 'Ring; more of our Audi RS6 coverage [internal]
