Romulus Went All Feral And Stuff: No Sign Of Arm

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This story is getting more weird, more gruesome and providing more fits of the jibblies the more we hear about it. The story of the Romulus, MI couple involved in the strange arm-snatching we reported on yesterday has a new update. The husband, Stephen Humphrey, who claims he dropped off his wife at the side of the road to take a leak only to return to find her sans arm, has now been arrested and will be arraigned later today on several charges including drunken driving causing serious injury. Humphrey and his wife, Brenda — now with only one arm — both initially told the same story to police. According to the couple...

...they were driving away from a bar in Milan, MI when Brenda had to go to the bathroom. Her husband let her out by the side of the road and drove up aways. When Stephen Humphrey returned, he claimed he found his wife in a ditch, missing an arm. Brenda then told police another car had hit her. Monroe County, MI Sherriff's Lt. Dale Malone was a bit skeptical:

"From the get go, that's not a story we believed...there's evidence to believe the car was involved in a crash..."


We're not really sure what tipped you off Lieutenant. Was it the fact that the two of them were reportedly blitzed when they came into the hospital, or the fact that they still haven't found the arm? Or, could it be that the story is totally ludicrous?

Wife's arm not found; man to be arraigned [Freep]

Romulan Woman Out a Limb, Husband In Custody [internal]