In an attempt to reach the 7% profits-relative-to-sales goal set forth by DaimlerChrysler main man Dieter Zetsche, Mercedes-Benz with make with the Fiskars and cut eight thousand, five hundred jobs over the next few years, primarily via attrition and early retirement. With a 1.2-billion dollar loss posted in the first quarter, the first in history for Merc, the .3-star brand has lost quite a bit of its lustre, both for investors and consumers. Still, to put it all in perspective, 8,500 is only 21% of the 40,000 jobs Zetche slashed at Chrysler during his tenure running DCX's American arm. Wanna stay in his good graces, Mercedes employees? Only touch Dieter's monkey when invited to.
Mercedes to cut 8,500 jobs [Detroit News]
'We Shall Share More Sprockets,' Says Your Host, Dieter: DCX DE, US to Work More Closely [Internal]