It looks like there's very little in the way left of a respite on the gas pricing front, with the cost-per-gallon of the dead-dinosaur stuff costing more than 12 cents more this week in Michigan than the week prior according to the Freep. That pegs a gallon of gas at around $2.81 a gallon — 11 cents higher than they were one year ago. But the real news comes from Amos Lewis Jr., a sales manager with MGS Express Delivery in Dearborn who claims
"I saw gas at $2.75, but I'm anticipating it will go up to $4..."
With such a reputable source for comment, we totally understand why the title of the piece was written as is. You go and fill up now before it hits $5, while we go and cry a little from all of the sensationalism.
You think gas is high now? It could reach $4 a gallon [Freep]
Question of The Day: How Much Did You Pay For Gas?; I Just Paid Under Two Bucks A Gallon For Gas! [internal]