Popper Popped For 111MPH, Vast Hidden Arsenal

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Blues Traveler singer John Popper was in a helluva hurry in his Mercedes SUV, mashing pedal to metal to the tune of 111 miles per. Members of the Washington State law enforcement community weren't all that happy about the 13 firearms stashed in various hidden compartments about the vehicle, and the discovery of cop-style siren/flashers, Taser, and reefer didn't lighten their mood any. Popper's statement that he needed all that gear in case of "natural disaster" was received with some skepticism. Is that slick slide-out rifle drawer a dealer-installed option?

Troopers clock 'Blues Traveler' singer's SUV going more than 100 mph [KOMO]

Suddenly Schadentuesday: Sickly, Anorexic Dopehead, Pseudo-Celebrity Nicole Richie Arrested for Driving Backwards on Freeway [internal]
