A week ago, someone emailed us a design for what we are officially calling the World's Greatest Most Bestest Center Differential T-Shirt Ever What Ever Ruled the Land. Turns out people actually enjoy candy-fueled, caffeine-powered babbling. Who knew?
In case you missed it, the phrase "oversteer my bagel" and the quote on the shirt's rump came from a story I wrote about a Subaru press event. (Click on the picture to enlarge it.) The shirt was designed by Jalopnik reader kgelster; he emailed us the above image on spec and then went mysteriously silent. We prefer to think he was silenced by those who want to keep my genius disease from further infiltrating the populace.
What say you? You want a copy of this? Would you exchange some hard-earned dough for the privilege of wearing my yappery? Get in the comments and let us know — if there's enough interest, we might tool up and make this thing a reality.