Open Sesame: Warehouse Opening in Portugal Reveals Forgotten Collection

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Imagine you're Ali Baba, stumbling on the 40 Thieves' treasure — only the thieves are long gone and the treasure is actually 180 European cars of various description. That's kind of what happened in this case, where inside a warehouse welded shut for years, a wealth of dusty cars — Jags, Porsches, Lancias, Alfas, Lotuses, Austin Minis, Renaults, open-wheel formula cars, and on and on — sat rusting for over 15 years. No word yet on who's claiming the cars, or what will become of them, but we'd imagine there are a few resto shops in Lisbon whose phones are ringing off the hook. [Thanks to Geert for the tip.]

La cueva de clasicos de alib




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