New York Times Kills "DriveTimes" E-Mail To Focus On Making "Wheels" Blog Less Sucktastic

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Anyone who's a subscriber to the NYT's DriveTimes weekly e-mail knows two things. First, it's a re-hash of the weeks stories in the Times having anything to do with cars with random stories from elsewhere peppered in. Second, it sucks. Lucky for those of us who've been on the receiving end of this amazingly dull weekly re-cap, it looks like today's e-mail will be the last. Or at least that's what we're told:

"A note from the editors: This is our last issue of DriveTimes. A new e-mail newsletter is coming that will keep you up to speed on the latest automotive news. In the meantime, visit the Wheels blog for news and notes about new products, about trends in automotive design and technology, and about the business of producing cars."

Rest In Peace, dear friend — we hardly ever read you. In its place, we've now heard the Times will be focusing its time and efforts on Richard Chang's new baby, the Wheels blog. We look forward to the daily recaps, YouTube clips, mini-articles or whatever the hell else is deemed appropriate from the automotive blog of the newspaper of record.


And In New York...There Was A Blizzard!; Newsflash: Someone at the NY Times Accidentally Tivo'd Pimp My Ride [internal]