We're not sure if the NASCAR.com pole qualifying leaderboard is maybe showing off some poorly-coded flash animation or whether Toyota sponsorship of NASCAR is really sticking in the craw of some of their web crew. What we do know is Michael Waltrip probably didn't run fast enough to hit 23rd. That means that although the leaderboard from today's qualifying race for the Daytona 500 shows the make of drivers running Dodge, Chevy and Ford vehicles — but drivers ridin' in the car made by the automaker from the land of the rising sun, Toyota — they get a blank space. Does NASCAR.com have it in for Toyota? Probably not — but as none of ToMoCo's cars have broken higher than 15th in qualifying, it doesn't bode well for the first skirmish of their "invasion" (Fox's Mike Joy's word, not outs) into the always-turning-left and always-'merican Daytona 500. Full image of the leaderboard below the jump.
We're Not Going To Live-Blog Daytona 500 Pole Qualifying [internal]