I make a lot of gifs working for Jalopnik. Here are the best/worst/most memorable animations I made in 2013.
I'm going to go in something resembling chronological order, from the start of the year on. All of these gifs (other than that topshot, which is from an old MotorWeek) happened in 2013, unless I'm wrong. In that case, please correct me. If I'm right, I guess now is the time to announce this as the first annual GIFies!
F1's Most Awkward/Amazing Podium
Ben Wojdyla Almost Gets Killed
The 2014 Corolla Gets Crash Tested
Rally Truck Attacks Innocent Trees
Landslide Miraculously Doesn't Kill Anyone
As It Turns Out, I Like Explosions
Rally Car Attacks Innocent Logs
The Sexxxiest Crashes Of The Monaco Grand Prix
As It Turns Out, I Really Like Explosions
Here's What Loading A Porsche 962 Looks Like
Here's What A Car Flying Into Your Windshield Looks Like
Fiat Built A Car Out Of Naked People
Inexplicable Flying Bird Father In Toyota Commercial
Hillclimb Car Enters Hyperdrive
Did I forget anything?