While SEMA 2007 is still months away, builders around the world are busy hammering out showcase rides for the show of Las Vegas shows. American Super Car is taking the idea of a mid-engine Corvette from concept into reality with the V7 Super Coupe. Shoehorning a 1000-horsepower twin turbo Chevrolet LS V8 engine amidships in a tube chassis backed by a paddle-shifted Mendeola transaxle is the plan. The mid-engine Corvette is not without precedent. The crew at American Super Car hope to bring the V7 into line with the 1976 XP-882, and 1990 CERV-III concepts. Shown here is a photochopped version of a V7 model with purely theoretical wheel selection.
[Thanks to Ro McGonegal for the tip]
American Super Car [americansupercarinc.com]
Autoextremist: Next Corvette to be Mid-Engined? [Internal]