Lotus Finds New Ad Men

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Wait, Lotus had an ad agency? We think the last Lotus ad we might've seen was for the Eclat. In any event the British simplicaters and lightness-adders' American sidekicks have picked up Los Angeles-based e2amp, which, if you ask us, is horrible name that brings to mind a Scion ad, MDMA, an energy drink, and late-night MTV rave music and lifestyle-punk magazines available at Hot Topic. Is this the move for Lotus? Somehow we doubt an "Impossible Dream" ad will come of the partnership. Probably not even an "I'm Not Herb"-caliber spot, frankly. How can you trust somebody with your brand when they can't even brand themselves?

Lotus Cars USA Appoints New Ad Agency

Brats, Vin, Spaghetti, Four-Bangers and Low-Calorie Mash: Vintage Lotus Adverts [Internal]
