Line 'Em Up! Round I Of The Official Car Pundit Drinking Game

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Alright boys n' girls — time to drop your cocks and pick up your socks for the first round of the "Official Car Pundit Drinking Game" For those of you who don't remember the debauchery, a friendly commenter used Wert's recent appearance on CNBC's "On The Money" and created a simple but epic game of drinks. Well, we're expanding on it. For this, the inaugural round of the Game, we're opening the game up to not only Jalop's on the air, but to all auto pundits. And we've received word Micheline "Micki" Maynard, Detroit Bureau Chief of none other than the paper of record, The New York Times, wil be appearing on the very same show this all started on tonight. The topic is the HondaJet. With that, and the starter rules below the jump, let's see what y'all can do with this one. You've got until 6:59 PM tonight to hit the jump and leave some additional drinking rules in the comments or via for tonight's 7:00 PM show on CNBC. The best additions to the original list by TexansAreHot will get a prize. Be creative and be funny but remember to also play nice.


Take 1 drink;
- If the pundit nods with appreciation when his/her name is mentioned.
- Each time the line of questioning turns to the pundit.
- Everytime the eyes shift (2 drinks if eyes shift away from camera).
- When the phrase "it's a global market" is mentioned in its entirety.
- If a company is mentioned as being "close to bankruptcy."
- Every time a panel member says "I think."
- If a panel member nods more than four times without saying anything.


Take 2 drinks;
- If a company is called by a name other than that given by shareholders (ex: "Ford Motor Company" is called "FoMoCo")
- If a celebrity starring in an auto company ad is brought up.
- If a name-drop of any C-level Exec occurs (ex: "Well, when I was having lunch yesterday with Bob Lutz..."


Finish your beer;
- If someone uses the term "Step 2"
- If the word Jalopnik or the phrase "You're With Me, Jalopnik" is uttered


Finish your beer and another;
- If someone mentions the "Official Auto Pundit Drinking Game"

That's The Money Shot! CNBC Agrees Jalopnik's Home Of The "Official Car Pundit Drinking Game" [internal]