Early North Jersey industrial skyline/I'm a all-set Cobra Jet creepin' through the nighttime/Gotta find a gas station, gotta find a pay phone/This turnpike sure is spooky at night when your headlights are stolen...
Trouble in East Rutherford, folks: twelve cars at a Bruce Springsteen gig at Continental Airlines Arena Wednesday night had their HID headlights hijacked. The New Jersey Sports and Exposition Authority says that they'd added extra security for the second of the Boss' home-state shows, which went off last night. No word on any further thefts, or whether they called in Mister State Trooper to scare off would-be perps.
Headlights stolen from 12 cars at Springsteen show [Philly.com]
Flip Your Wig: Rhode Island Residents Bummed Over Overturned Cars [Internal]