Flip Your Wig: Rhode Island Residents Bummed Over Overturned Cars

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Drama in the smallest state! Apparently, gangs of disaffected teenagers are roaming neighborhoods in Providence, "destroying whatever is in their path." Rampaging youth on a tear? Cue up the Misfits' "Where Eagles Dare" and flip some cars, brah! At least that's what these allegedly terror-tastic teens have been pulling. Providence po-po have received reports of at least three ass-over-teakettle cars in the area in the last week.

The roving hooligans may be armed with a "Beebe gun," which we're guessing fires Mr. Creosote figurines at unsuspecting targets. It may also be fitted with a Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch launcher. Note to all Providence residents: next time you hear the sound of clip-clopping coconuts, run away!

Providence residents flipping their lids over flipped cars [WPRI]

Renault Flambe: Why They Burn Cars in France [Internal]