Sadly, a transporter rollover claimed nine milestone vehicles in Volkswagen South Africa's history. On the way back from a celebration in Cape Town that feted the 55th anniversary of the People's Car in SA, and ended up saying "Howzit!" to much, much damage. The carnage claimed vehicles including 2002 T3 microbus, a 1958 Beetle, a '78 Beetle, a '79 Passat, a '70 Audi 90, a '73 Audi 100S, a '75 Audi Coupe, and a '59 Beetle, all of which represented significant mileposts in VWSA's history. We hope they can rebuild them. Make them stronger. Faster. Better. Or just the same and not broken. They can choose. [Thanks to Mark Jawdoszyn for the tip.]
VW museum loses nine historic cars as carrier overturns [The Herald, South Africa]
The VW Pickup Lives! We Didn't Know! [Internal]