First he scores points in WRC, and now Ken Block bests eight-time WRC champ Sebastien Loeb in qualifying for Global RallyCross at the Summer X Games. At this rate, Ken'll own the WRC by Fall. (Literally — they could use a big-bucks bailout.)
Still, Block does have a shade more experience in RallyCross than Loeb, who apparently accepted a challenge to compete in this year's injury rife X Games posed by Travis Pastrana. We hear Pastrana's also convinced the Frenchman to mispronounce "stoked" and perform freestyle in Nitro Cirque du Soleil. (Yes, I know they're Canadian — it's a language joke.)
Either way, considering the very stoked Block's position going into tonight's race, who wouldn't do a bit of minor gloating via press release. "He's an amazing talent, and while I know I have a bit more RallyCross experience than him (only three races), it still feels good to qualify faster," Block said via release.
We'll see how it shakes out later tonight.