Looks like the German stock market's pretty sure Porsche will eventually launch a takeover bid for Volkswagen — shares of V-dub are on a slow climb, like a Type 2 taking on Mt. Washington. With old fishpants (former chairman Bernd Pischetsrieder) out of the way, VW board chair Ferdinand Piech could leverage his family's voting stock at Porsche to take control of Volks, though the price tag is ticking ever upward. So what if it does happen? What's would be next for Porsche, Volkswagen, Audi, Lamborghini, Bentley, et al? Call it as you see it, just don't call us late for the Frankfurt motor show in 2012.
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Breaking! Herbie Goes Submissive: Porsche to Take Control of VW!; Porsche Shoots for All the Marbles: Considers Suing German Government for Control of VW; Porsche to Become Main VW Shareholder [internal]