This is sort of a shameless plug, but it's for the children, so let's pretend that makes it all okay. I'm doing a food-related installation at San Diego's New Children's Museum, and it's all about food trucks.
The exhibit opens next month, and it's an entirely food-related exhibition, called Feast. The New Children's Museum is a unique and incredible institution. It's the only modern art museum targeted at children in the US. There's a number of museums for kids out there, usually science museums and similar, but this one is the only one to get currently-working artists to create works designed to be appreciated by kids.
That does mean that things made for this museum have to meet certain requirements that most museums don't have to worry about, specifically that he museums visitors will likely do everything they can to tear the artwork apart, or find a way to get injured by the artwork.
So, here's what I'm doing: a bunch of customizable food trucks that the kids can customize the look of, brand, fill with "food" from other exhibits, and then tool around the museum, vending and having fun. They'll be customizing the trucks (with or without trailers) with laser-cut plastic grilles, fins, fenders, instruments, and more that they'll attach and remove with Velcro. There will be areas painted on the trailers with chalkboard paint so they can make signs advertising what they're vending.
There will also be a stationary truck on a lift that the kids can customize and "repair" even if the other trucks are all out making rounds.
I'll get actual pictures up once everything's finished and in place, and if you're around Southern California, please come on out and have a look at it, and all the exhibits in the museum. There's some good stuff!