I've heard from the usual suspects that Chrysler's RAM division will be showing off something later this evening for the Detroit Auto Show next week. Technically, they'll be showing it off at 12:01 AM tomorrow because the people who decide these things hate us and don't understand how the Internet works.
Chrysler did try to send us embargoed info, but we're turning down all embargoes this year so I sent it back. I honestly don't know what's coming out tonight other than it's related to trucks and if it was really that interesting we'd have heard about it already.
This leads me to think it could be the Fiat-based RAM Van we've all been expecting. It could also be something else. I don't know. I'm asking you. If you have the information you can leave it in the comments below, even if it's just a guess, although clarify if you have insider information or are just talking out of your ass.