I'm Your Pusher Woman: Kate Moss Gets Dirty, Pushes C-Class Out Of Mud

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The waif of a model usually in search of a pusher became a pusher herself yesterday — helping a friend push n' pull a Mercedes out of the mud on the super-duper-model's

2million Oxfordshire estate. We don't know why Kate didn't just call for backup from the local towing service, unless the Virgin Media money's already been used up on yay. Or maybe she just didn't mind getting down n' dirty to help a pal out. Hell if we know the real reason, and although we don't know as much about modeling as Ms. Moss, what we do know is you shouldn't park a Mercedes C-Class — or really any car with standard tires — in a mud field. Plus, isn't she preggers or something? Full gallery of her handiness in a tug-job below.


Kate Moss The Pusher Car [celebpic.blogspot.com]


Paris Hilton: Still Dumber Than Shit; Exclusive! Roadgoing Mosler Delivered to George Lucas; more celebrities and cars [internal]
