Honda Will Now Let You Download Its Concept Cars

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There was an old anti-piracy ad that said something completely inane like "you wouldn't download a car, so why would you download music?" It was ridiculous and everybody laughed mercilessly. Except now, Honda is actually letting – nay, encouraging – you to download their cars. Or 3D models of its cars, at least.

The Japanese automaker launched a new website, Honda 3-D, as part of its "Super Ultra Daydreams" project. With the convenience of a computer, the Internet, and a home 3-D printer, you can download the basis for concepts like the Fuya-Jo, the Kiwami, the FSR Concept, and the NSX Concept.


The website encourages you to download the models, build them, and then build upon them to design your vehicles.

Oh, and they've got this neat little video:

So, anybody got a 3-D printer at home? Get to it, and show us what you've got!