The heads at Hot Rod got together and lined up an eclectic mix of cars for their top ten of the year list. From a mid-engined, small-block-powered Microbus to '65 Goat kitted out for serious road racing, we like every car on the list but the fastback 1st-gen Mustang dropped onto the '03 Cobra chassis. However, there is one glaring omission: Kirk Hammett's '36 Ford. Maybe we're partial to it because we watched it being built, but that car is simply a work of genius — and we're generally not big on '35/36 Fords. Can we have our five bucks now, Cole?
Top 10 Cars of 2006 and the HOT ROD of the Year [Hot Rod]
The Cole Foster/Kirk Hammett '36 Coupe Debuts! [Internal]