Hide The Enzos? Stefan Eriksson Goes Free

The man who launched a thousand memes after crashing a Ferrari Enzo on the PCH that wasn't technically his — was just released from a California jail where he's spent the past two years on charges of embezzlement in November 2006, days after a jury had failed to agree a verdict on charges he had stolen two Ferrari Enzos and a top-end Mercedes-Benz. Stefan Eriksson, the former Gizmondo executive, who goes by other names including "Fat Steffe" (in Sweden), "Ferrari Steffen" (in the US) and "The Evil One Who Destroys Beautiful Things" (in Maranello, Modena Italy), was transferred to a detention facility outside of LA on December 13th as he awaits transport...

...to either Sweden or Germany, where his wife and daughter have their home. No word on whether he'll also receive his license back — but we're hoping he won't. We can't bear to see another Enzo bite the dust. Haven't we already been through enough? We mean, come on — we're still waiting to see Dietrich/Karney go to jail and don't even get us started on Eddie Griffin — we're still of the opinion there should be a death penalty for doing what he did. (Hat tip to JanTheMan!) [thelocal.se]

