Stefan Eriksson's Passenger Arrested

In the case of the car crash that won't die, Trevor Michael Karney was arrested by sheriffs around 9:00 am Wednesday in Marina del Ray, near Venice Beach in California. Mr Karney, as some of you surely recall, was present at the scene of the infamous Ferrari Enzo crash in Malibu, but reported to police that he was in fact a passenger in a Mercedes McLaren SLR. Not only that, but he too saw the totally fictional Dietrich flee up into the hills. Turns out that Karney IS Dietrich. Well, not exactly, as Eriksson admitted in court that he was in fact driving the Enzo drunk at 160 mph when he then cleaved the the Italian exotic in half with a telephone pole. And Karney was arrested for being the passenger. So that makes Fat Stefan Dietrich and Karney Eriksson. Whew, glad that's sorted out. More hot facts after you leap.

Eriksson was taken into custody at the scene after failing two alcohol breath tests. He later admitted to driving the Ferrari.

Authorities later determined that there had been no Mercedes and no "Dietrich" and that Karney had been a passenger in the Ferrari.

Authorities later said they determined that Karney had flagged down another motorist before deputies arrived at the scene. Karney allegedly asked the driver if he could borrow a cell phone. As Karney made a call, he sat in the other vehicle's front driver seat, the San Francisco Chronicle has reported.

The motorist later called police, saying he had found a fully loaded handgun clip jammed under the seat, according to the Chronicle.

Karney then disappeared. An acquaintance of Karney, speaking on condition of anonymity, said Friday that Karney fled to his native Dublin, Ireland.

He returned to California around a month ago via Tijuana, and a friend helped smuggle him into the United States, the acquaintance said.

Authorities tracked him down this week, thanks to medical bills generated after his return to California and sent to a Marina del Rey address, the source said.


