I used to sell cars for a living when I was in my early 20s. It was around the Cash for Clunkers era and I was at a Chevy-Buick-Pontiac-GMC combined dealership. I had a lot of tough customers, but this one guy took the cake. He came in once for service on his Pontiac G6 and I noticed him roaming the lot, as most do when their car is getting serviced. He made a beeline over to a black SSR. I got to talking to him and learned that he hated his basic and beige G6. Weirdly, he kind of opened up to me and said that his wife made him get it for them, but she had her own car and had made him trade his in for the G6 which didn’t make sense. He said he wanted something fun to drive for himself but his wife wouldn’t allow it. He said he would buy the SSR right then and there if he could. Suffice to say, I talked this guy into standing up for himself. He agreed but I could see his reluctance. He lived less than two miles from the dealership, some manager let me drive him in the SSR to his house where I proceeded to do a demonstration in his driveway for his wife.
She was probably one of the worst people I had ever met in my life. Condescending, prickly, you name it. I was being polite but she was not having it. I could see it was getting to the man though and all of a sudden he just erupted, and they had a screaming match that lasted like 10 minutes in the driveway of their house while I stood there awkwardly. Then they went inside and I was just...there. They never came back out so I left. I got yelled at by my manager who said it was a waste of time. But the next day, the guy came and wrote a check for that SSR and shook my hand so hard it hurt. He thanked me over and over and apologized for what happened. I never found out what happened between him and his wife. It was hard dealing with her but that was probably the hardest deal I had ever done.
We asked readers what were the hardest times they had selling a car. These were their answers.