You know that one movie? The one that had a car in it? Reddit does.
Yes, this might be the best ‘Tip of my Tongue’ advice page we’ve seen. Poster major_tom38 made the post on r/TOMT “Movie with a car in it?” asking, “There is a car in this movie, I don't know what kind.” Reddit came to his rescue in a surprisingly short period of time.
is it the one with that guy?
Yeah, he gets in the car at one point.
in front of a building with a sign?
Yes. It's all coming back to me now. It's a blue sign. More!
what color was the car?
does this look familiar?
I feel like you might be a wizard.
OH MY GOD Bullit with Steve McQueen! I gotta show this to my crew. Thanks brah!
that's what we do
Holy shit dude, that must have been the best TOMT I ever saw.
Having been frustrated a billion times trying to remember that one movie (You know, the one that had the guy? It had that guy, you know? He was in that other movie with the thing!), watching this play out successfully was almost unnaturally satisfying.
(Hat tip somewhatsmarmy!)
Photo Credit: Warner Bros./Bullitt