Gumball 3000 Announces New York To Tokyo Rally For 2008, Bonus Stopover In North Korea!

It's upward and onward for Maximillion Cooper, the Founder and CEO of "The Gumball 3000 Group." He's got the spin going strong, as he describes his game plan for next year's Gumball rally. His press release (we've got the whole thing below the jump) claims an eight-day 3000-mile route

"creating the ultimate rally of the future from New York to Tokyo incorporating a true once in a lifetime check point in North Korea!!!!!"

The release also goes heavy on the hyperbole, citing a "set off infront of millions" in New York City, and how after making it down to Miami,

"everyone will then be North Korea's undiscovered stunning capital, Pyongyang, to watch next years 'Mass Games' inside the insane May Day 'gold plated' 250,000 seater stadium as VIP guests of the North Korean Government. This will be a sight in itself – think 'Team America', but this is real!"

Wow. We don't even have anything to add to that. But wait, it gets better — after his sign off on the press release, Max gives a plug for the "latest Gumball film" on MTV, who to call for a St. Tropez reunion, and wait for it...the last two lines of the release:

"a final note; on behalf of all Gumballers we would like to give our support ot theMorley family in this differcult time and wish them a happy out come."

I wonder why they didn't include that in the full body of the release?

Thursday, June 7, 2007

'Gumball St. Tropez Reunion Party & 2008 Announcement!'

Dear Gumballers,

It's been a little over a month now since this years Gumball Rally sadly came to an abrupt end in Bratislava following the unfortunate accident. We are continuing to pay our respects to the families involved, and we are in the process of setting up a fund – however, the authorities have asked we that do not promote this fact, especially before they have concluded with the court case, as they fear that it would be incorrect protocol. Following its conclusion we will be emailing you details of how to contribute to this fund if you feel inclined, and we appreciate all the kind offers we have already received.

> Its been an interesting month here at Gumball HQ dealing with the onslaught of media attention, that has thankfully now changed its tune once again and has overwhelming decided that Gumball is a 'good thing' and that we must go on to make next years event even bigger, better and of course safer than ever before. Strangely, we've never had more people wanting to enter the rally, and the authorities are also being incredibly supportive, and offering Gumball even more support. We've been told the expression for this reaction is now known as the 'Kate Moss' effect! So the old adage that – 'all press is good press', is certainly ringing true, albeit under the sad circumstances. Following such an amazing public turn out this year to watch the rally start, and with hundreds of thousands of fans lining the streets throughout the route its evidently time for us to step things up once again to yet another level in the future.

So, with next year being our "10th Anniversary", one thing is certain, that it will take the Gumball experience to the next level and undoubtedly path the way for the future. We've been working on this one for the past 2 years, and at the end of the month we'll be sending everyone that's ever participated in the Gumball (all 2000 of you) a personal invitation to participate, along with full details.

However, after my traditional 'red herring' of suggested routes following each year's rally, here's what's happening next year:

To celebrate Gumball 3000's 10th Anniversary rally, in 2008 we are embarking upon creating the ultimate rally of the future from New York to Tokyoincorporating a true once in a lifetime check point in North Korea!!!!!

The eight-day 3000-mile route will embrace the contrasting cultures of the east and west, whilst also uniting over 40 nationalities of participants taking part, and truly benchmarking itself at the forefront of partying, exploring, and the promotion of eco friendly transportation. 120 of the worlds most amazing vehicles will participate, and as well as the usual display of stunning supercars, the 2008 Gumball will also showcase and encourage vehicles pushing the technological boundaries to create an environmentally friendly and safer future.
> Having pro actively supported the use of 'green' fuels for the past 4 years,
> highlighted by film star Daryl Hannah participating in 2005 using only 100%
> bio-diesel, and a Peterbilt Truck using only potato oil from San Francisco to
> Miami in 2003, along with numerous other bio-diesel, electric and hybrids
> taking part. In 2008 Gumball has made the decision to become completely carbon
> neutral, and will offset its complete carbon footprint made by the
> participating supercars and aeroplane transportation, as well as promoting and
> encouraging the use of as many environmentally friendly futuristic vehicles
> using fuel cells, hydrogen, batteries and other sustainable technologies.
> This will be the ultimate adventure and clashes of culture, following partying
> in NY, the rally will set off infront of millions driving via Washington DC to
> race at Daytona and onto Miami. Then after partying on South Beach everyone
> will then be flown in our Russian cargo planes to North Korea's undiscovered
> stunning capital, Pyongyang, to watch next years 'Mass Games' inside the
> insane May Day 'gold plated' 250,000 seater stadium as
> VIP guests of the North Korean Government. This will be a sight in itself -
> think 'Team America', but this is real!
> Following this years accident, we've had a long and hard think about how to
> positively amend and adapt the concept of the rally without stifling its
> unique freedom of spirit, concept and adventurous characteristics, whilst
> continuing to make it ground breaking in its cultural diversity, as well as
> keeping its multi national and diverse demographical appeal; and of course
> doing what we can to make it as safe as possible, exploring numerous ways of
> setting up precautions that can offer both participants, sponsors and the
> public confidence that the odds against such an accident happening again are
> decreased, whilst also trying to assure that the Gumballers and fans can enjoy
> the individual spirit, eccentricity, glamour, fun and adventure that has
> become integral with Gumball over its successful nine year history.
> With that in mind, I believe that we have come up with a route and concept
> that will be both politically, geographically and environmentally ground
> breaking; and as well as incorporating some of the most influential and
> culturally diverse cities of the world, with shorter drives and even better
> parties, the event will also be 100% carbon neutral, and a platform for
> automotive manufacturers to showcase their futuristic environmentally friendly
> vehicles.
> Unfortunately with only 100 limited exclusive places on the grid, its going to
> be inevitable that many people wont be able to take part – so please inform us
> as soon as possible if you'd like to, so we can cater to past 'Gumballer
> alumni' before we let newcomers onto the grid. As you can imagine, this route
> will appeal to people all over the world that would perhaps have never thought
> to do a rally previously, as this will be the first time in history that
> members of all nations will be allowed to visit and party in North Korea!
> I hope this has whet your appetite for adventure – and as mentioned more
> details will follow at the end of this month along with your formal
> invitation. The date is still tbc – although it's scheduled to take place
> later than normal in the late summer to coincide with the 'Mass Games' – so
> put your name down now if you are up for it.
> So, with an exciting future and an anniversary to celebrate, we're going to
> kick things off with a party at the end of this month in St. Tropez on
> Saturday June 30th. It's a chance to relax and party at the Crystal Beach Club
> – St. Tropez' newest 'hot spot!'
> During the day we'll be laying on food and drinks on the beach, and hosting a
> prize giving ceremony for this years' Gumballers to receive their awards for
> participating. All Gumballers are invited – old and new – so come and party
> and see who wins this years somewhat subdued 'Spirit of the Gumball trophy!'
> From the beach, the party will continue through the night, at St. Tropez
> coolest 'VIP' nightclub.
> We've arranged our own Gumball Concierge in St Tropez for the weekend, to look
> after your every need – see below for details. It's a great chance to meet
> Gumballers old and new and catch up on tales of this years rally – and talk
> about next years' extravaganza! Please call the HQ and confirm with either
> myself, Samar, Jonny, Alex or Julie if you are planning to head down there. We
> really look forward to partying with you away from the stress of the past
> month.
> Cheers to the future!
> Best regards,
> M
> Maximillion Cooper
> Founder & CEO
> The Gumball 3000 Group
> Watch the trailer of the latest Gumball film '3000 Miles' starring MTV's
> Jackass stars Bam Margera and Ryan Dunn, along with skateboard legends Tony
> Hawk, Mike Vallely and Rooftop Escamilla! Released on DVD April 23rd..."3000
> miles of pure hell fanfare!"
> For St. Tropez Concierge:
> Please call Jean Louison +33 680 336716.
> As you can imaging all the hotels are very busy, but for last minute options
> so we have rooms reserved for you at:
> La Romarine ***-
> villas for 4 guests each, 490€ per night
> per villa.
> Hotel Chamerops ***-
> double/twin bedroom, 382€ per night.
> Jean Louis will also be able to sort out any other requirements for you have
> whilst in St Tropez. On the Sunday there is a selection of things going on,
> from The St Tropez International Polo Cup, to just messing around on Super
> yachts.
> a final note; on behalf of all Gumballers we would like to give our support ot
> theMorley family in this differcult time and wish them a happy out come.

(Photo: Yahoo! Movies)

Gumballers Nick Morley And Matthew McConville Arrested After Hit-And-Run Fatality; Morley Released On Bail, Tries To Flee Macedonia In Private Jet, Arrested Again; Fast as a Shark: East of Eden: The Fall of the Gumball 3000; Gumball 3000 Death Trial to Begin Friday; Gumball 3000 Driver Forgiven by Victims' Family; Trial Of Gumball 3000 Driver Expected To Wrap Up Today [internal]

