What Is Your Worst Winter Driving Experience?

Driving in the wintertime can be a deeply unpleasant experience if something goes wrong.

We all read Jalopnik, and that means we're some of the best drivers in the world. However, we're not infallible. Sometimes we can make mistakes on the road – especially when winter weather is involved. It just adds another element of randomness and unpredictability to our drive. Lest we forget, everyone else around us becomes worse drivers as well. That idea is what has led me to today's question.

I want to know what your worst winter driving story is. What happened to you behind the wheel in a snow or ice storm that has left you broken, scared and possibly embarrassed? Listen, this is a safe space to share your harrowing winter driving stories. Maybe you got stuck in a snowbank after some goober cut you off in a snowstorm. Perhaps your battery died in freezing cold temperatures. Hell, maybe you were snowblowing your driveway and a chunk of ice shot out of the machine and shattered your rear window. It can happen, folks.

Who knows, maybe your windshield wasn't sealed correctly so you had to scrape ice off of the inside of your car, and now you're going to be late to high school because you couldn't see out of your piece of shit Volkswagen Passat. I don't know. It's just an idea. Nothing as goofy as that has ever happened to me. I'm still certainly not pissed off about this and the fact I had to drive with my head out the window because it wouldn't defrost in time. Ah, memories.

Anyway, drop on down below and let your fellow Jalops know what your worst winter driving experience was. I'm going to give you extra points if you give a hell of a lot of detail, and you'll officially win Question of the Day if you bother to tell me what car your story happened in. Deal? Deal.

