Once upon a time in the magical land of Florida, an un-apprehended (alleged) murderer decided to take a nap. But like Rip Van Winkle far to the north, he slept too long, and awoke to find the boys in blue puzzling over the little bag of white powder sitting in his lap.
Yeah, this really happened, on Sunday, in Florida. But when police apprehended Sinar Roblero Escalante in his purple Lincoln Town Car after he fell asleep with a bag of cocaine on his lap, they also discovered that his finger prints matched those of the hit-and-run killer they had been looking for since 2005.
A 25-year-old man had been working between two cars in 2005 when Escalante allegedly struck on of them with his '86 Toyota Cressida. The man's wife was in one of the cars, and watched her husband get crushed to death. She told police that Escalante had gotten out of his car to look at the victim, but immediately bolted.
Police think he fled to Mexico after the fatal hit-and-run. All it took was a particularly tiring coke bender to help them collar their man seven years later.
Photo credit: MySpace; Collier County Sheriff's Office