The post-apocalyptic wasteland of Detroit is set to host an epic tournament of mopeds and scooters on an abandoned velodrome. Many men will enter The Thunderdrome, but only one man will leave victorious. I hope Bob Lutz doesn't show up.
Welcome to the first edition of The Thunderdrome. Taking place on the abandoned Dorais velodrome that's recently been refurbished by guerrilla lawn care enthusiasts, The Thunderdrome is open to anyone with $20, a moped, scooter or bicycle and dreams of eternal glory. The races take place on October 16 and is free to spectate.
The Thunderdrome is being organized by Jalop alumni Andy "The Feral Kid" Didorosi and Ben "Lord Humungus" Wojdyla, who, in the interest of safety, have compile a common sense list of technical rules that include things like lockwire and safety gear and they've also enlisted the services of an ambulance for the day. All proceeds from the event will go to further restoring the Detroit's lost velodrome so future events can be held there.
I'll be entering the moped class with a custom race bike being built by 1977 Mopeds who, along with PBR, are sponsoring the event. The race promises to be epic; not only is the surface rutted, cracked and frost-heaved, but the start will be a Le Mans style foot race to the machines. Motorcycles have been excluded, they'd simply be too fast for the surface and this is largely an amateur race.
Thunderdrome's simple, get to Detroit on October 16 and win any way you can. You can't break the rules, because there aren't many, but check out the full details on The Thunderdrome's website.