Commenter Of The Day: Zubaz Pants Edition

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One of the least enduring but most memorable fashions from the early 1990s has to be Zubas. The brightly colored, garishly patterned and loose-fitting pants were designed by a pair of Minnesota's finest bodybuilders as a comfortable weight-lifting pantaloons. The design took flight, rocked by no less than M.C. Hammer himself, and the company sold more than $100 million products in 1991 alone. Unfortunately for them, tastes improved and the business went bankrupt in 1996. Twitter may likely outlast the Vue-ick, but Maymar wonders if it'll outlive Zubaz pants as a trend.

It seems utterly befitting that one stupid trend kills another. Now maybe someone will put out a bland Autotuned song about how much they despise Twitter.

I'm going to go write about this on my tumblr blog.
